Will the SREC price incease?
The SREC market in PA is just developing. It will be driven by several things:
- PA Alternative Energy Portfolio Standard (PAAEPS)
- Supply/demand
- Pricing in surrounding states
The SREC price is very dependent on PA Government decisions. They set the mandate and they can change it. If SREC prices are important to you, have a discussion with your representative or senator. The most important topic to discuss is that PA is one of the few states left that allow electric companies to buy SREC from generators in other states. Every surrounding state except Ohio and Illinois has closed their borders to PA, but PA continues to absorb the overflow from states that do not even have a Renewable Energy Portfolio in place.
It is very difficult to predict the price of SRECS becuase of all of the drivers.
How much Solar PV is mandated by PA?
Pennsylvania solar share is the amount of electricity that must be generated
using solar. Pennsylvania has set one of the most aggressive solar goals in
the US. A goal oft over 1,000,000 MWh per year of electricity is
to be generated by solar PV by the year 2021. For more information, view the
PA Solar Share Fact Sheet
on the PA PUC webiste.
What is SACP?
Solar Alternative Compliance Payment is the penalty fine an electric companies must pay if they do not meet the solar share defined by the PA Alternative Energy Portfolio Standard. The SACP fine amount is set in December of each year. For 2010 the SACP fine was $654.37 This year's fine will be set in December, 2011 by doubling the weighted average price paid for PA SRECs.